The FoodWyz Story

Akshata Lanjekar, CEO

Akshata is a Banker turned Farmer and Entrepreneur. An IIM Indore alumnus, she was a part of the corporate ecosystem until the drive to create sustainable business solutions to impact real change took over and she quit her job to return to nature, quite literally. She is driven by her vision of generating sustainability, both ecological and business, through women-led community empowerment and true replication of natural processes.

Naresh Agarwal, Mentor

Naresh is a seasoned corporate professional turned agripreneur. He is passionate about creating fully integrated and sustainable business models in natural farming that blend India's rich agri heritage with modern farming techniques and conducive to achieving scale. He is a firm believer in the value that natural consumption holds and is keen to pass on his vision of ushering in self sustainable and empowered 'micro communities'.

What is a brand If not a story unfolding?

FoodWyz is an articulation of our closest beliefs: providing good food options and conscious, wise consumption in our customer communities. Under the name FoodWyz, we aim to foster nature inspired cultivation, community building and sustainable growth. We wish to evolve into a healthy food brand, with our foundations solid in our customer’s trust. Our deep respect for the natural elements that come together to help us grow our exemplary produce is incorporated in our logo.The sun stands for the energy that we conserve and use judiciously to grow our plants without the use of artificial lighting or lab like setups. The leaves stand for prosperity, our now over two dozen crop types thriving in their natural habitat. The waves stand for purity, the water which provides the medium for our cultivation and last but not the least, the heart stands for health, the central tenet of why we do what we do: to inspire a generation of eaters always in the pink of health. These elements together make FoodWyz. A brand that stands for truly natural food production and conscious consumption. We are believers in unlocking the value that nature has to offer in its raw form and anything and everything FoodWyz ventures into will play into this belief.
Join us on our journey and we promise you clean, conscious consumption from nature's own farm.

Our Mission

To provide a viable, sustainable farming solution in micro communities through minimal intervention in natural processes and promote healthy and conscious consumption.

Our Philosophy

"Back to Nature"
